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Oct 07,2022

By Star of Baby

Early pregnancy symptoms:

While pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are the only way to find out about the pregnancy. Even then some signs and symptoms also make you realize about your pregnancy. A missed period is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy but the symptoms can vary from woman to woman. The early sign of pregnancy may include morning sickness, fatigue, constipation, sore breast, etc.

Following are some symptoms of pregnancy:

  1. NAUSEA: Morning sickness might be the most common of all pregnancy symptoms that take the form of nausea and vomiting. This symptom can set in as early as two weeks after conception. It is supposed to be around the fourth week of pregnancy and right after the time you missed your period. This can happen at any time of the day or night but some women don’t experience this symptom of early pregnancy.
  2. MILD CRAMPING: When fertilized egg creates a blastocyst, it develops into the foetus’s organs and body parts. About 4 weeks after conception, the blastocyst implants in the endometrium which is the lining of the uterus. This activity cause implantation bleeding that can be mistaken for a light period. It usually happens around the time of your menstruation cycle. It is often described as light bleeding that doesn’t turn into a flow. Not every woman experiences this early sign of pregnancy but those who do can see the following

     things while bleeding.

    The colour of the blood can be pink, red or brown.

    You can experience pain,  usually less than the normal period.

    The bleeding will be less than normal period.

    Implantation bleeding is supposed to be to last less than 3 days that does not require treatment.

  1. MOOD SWINGS: From a stressful day at work to the natural wonders of your menstrual cycle, there are a lot of things that can affect your mood. But mood swings are common during pregnancy and they may be especially noticeable early as the body gets a sudden burst of oestrogen and progesterone. If you are pregnant, you may feel sensitive or weepy. Or your fuse is a little shorter and you are more easily annoyed.
  2. FATIGUE: Fatigue is a common early pregnancy sign. It happens due to the sudden change in hormone level that increases progesterone. Some women experience fatigue before they know about their pregnancy.
  3. HIGH-BODY TEMPERATURE: The Basal Body Temperature (BBT) rises instantly after ovulation. Of course, your temperature could be high due to other reasons but if it remains high for more than the time of few weeks then it could be an early sign of pregnancy. If you are pregnant the BBT may remain elevated rather than dripping back down.

Related content: Is it safe to drink decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy?

  1. FREQUENT URGE TO PEE: Women who have just got pregnant have frequent urges to go to the washroom. It is because as the vagina grows it pushes the bladder. As a result, you may feel a full bladder all the time. It is a common symptom of late pregnancy. In early pregnancy frequent urge to pee is because of the vaginal fluids. The wetness of the area makes you feel like going to the loo often. All this makes the frequent urge to pee also a symptom of early pregnancy
  2. WEIGHT GAIN: Gaining weight is one of the common early signs of pregnancy that happens toward the end of your first trimester.
  3. PAIN AND CHANGES IN BREAST: Many changes can be seen in the breasts as an early sign of pregnancy. It can occur between weeks 4 to 6. One can feel tenderness and swelling in the breasts. You may notice a colour change in the areola. It may darker in colour and bigger in size.
  4. FOOD CRAVINGS AND AVERSIONS: Cravings are common throughout the pregnancy. Hormonal changes affect the taste buds this is why ladies crave different foods. Some women crave spicy and sour food while other likes to eat sweet things such as chocolates. These aversions can be experienced during the entire pregnancy or vary throughout this period.

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

The last menstrual period is considered as the first week of pregnancy, whether you weren’t actually pregnant yet as the first week of pregnancy is based on the time of your last menstrual period and the delivery date is expected and calculated using the first day of your last period. This is the reason that you cannot experience the early sign of pregnancy in the first week of your pregnancy.

Also read : Blood clots after giving birth.

When do the pregnancy symptoms fall back?

Early pregnancy symptoms subside within a few weeks in some women. For others, they may continue for the entire first trimester. It depends on the kind of lifestyle and nutrition you take.

Pregnancy symptoms don't require any medication as they are not diseased these symptoms go away on their own in the second trimester. 

